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Marketing research by RickySpears (skaDoogle)


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Avoid Characteristics That Will Make You Lose Your Shirt

Marketing research by RickySpears (skaDoogle)


Helping others reach digital marketing goals!

The world of forex trading is one of big money and high risks. Everybody is seeing this market as a promised land, an opportunity to earn a fortune. Nevertheless, seasoned analysts and traders alike have paid the price by being disciplined and knowledgeable; they know that certain ways of thinking will only help them leak out money faster.

Beware novice trainers, if you ever want to be successful in forex trading, avoid being these kinds of people:

The Irresponsible
You better learn how to own up to your mistakes as well as to decide on what to do so you can reach that goal. Responsibility includes learning the ropes of the trade, doing proper research on your assets and brokers and ultimately knowing that your own success lies in nobody else but yourself.

The Sheep
Sheep follow the majority and takes all of their cues from the experts. While going with the flow is not a bad thing in itself, always trusting on expert opinion has proven to be the wrong move for countless traders. A trader must develop his own style of strategy and thinking that will work for his plan and investments.

The Thrill-Seeker
Let us get one thing straight: forex trading is not a game. Serious traders do it because they want to make money. Having fun is not a feature. Sure, there is satisfaction to be earned from the market but anyone not serious about it has no place in the business.

The Impatient
While action is certainly part of the market, most of it is a waiting game. An impatient trader will jump the gun on a bid/price even though he knows the chances of a better figure will come. Many have succumbed to the impatience and recklessness of having money now instead of investing it long term. Profit from trading comes from staying updated with the current flow, knowing when to wait and when to go for it.

The Over Thinker
Some forex traders think they are a cut above the rest with complex ideas and dazzling theories. Most of that lot has failed. Keeping your strategy simple and clean-cut works best in the long run. While some traders have the tendency to over complicate their plans, reasoning that new times call for new ways, keeping track of profit and how you got it should help you to not over think your strategy.

The Over Emotional
Giving in to anxiety clouds judgment because you start to be afraid of losing money and taking risks. A lot of people forget that forex trade involves risks and it is part of the job. The ability to stay positive and being able to bounce back also makes a sturdier, more confident trader.

The Undisciplined
The biggest mistake to make out there in the market is to invest money lacking in discipline. So many traders have lost their fortunes just because they want an easy way to profit minus the hard work and study to attain it. Forex trading requires attention and understanding of the market, and such dedication to learn requires discipline.

Perhaps the most important character trait to throw away is half-heartedness. Forex trading requires a cool head, objectivity and the ability to make those hard decisions that will certainly come your way. To enjoy the fruits of your hard work, you must earn them by being a man of the trade who definitely understands what he is getting into.

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